Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Twin studies


Anonymous said...

These twins were separated at birth, purposely, and studied. It's the only study of its kind - the best separation of nature v. nurture we can hope to achieve. Its results are sealed until 2066 by the guy who did the study - because he began to realize that the public would question the ethics of the study, and making the results public would introduce the public to the study's existence. He now rarely talks about the study's existence. The twins have located each other and realized that they were denied access to their twin for the first 35 years of their lives because this dude wanted to do a study. Doesn't seem fair. Doesn't seem fair to the public to seal the data, either, though.

Anonymous said...

twn study

click on twin study above for link to article

Anonymous said...

There is no "I" in twn.

Anonymous said...

Turns out Dr. Neubauer, the dude behind the study, died in February 2008. Can't we please see the results now? Apparently 5 sets of twins and a set of triplets were studied.

Anonymous said...

Being a twn is unfair to twns. How else are we supposed to be special? Uh, that is each in our unique special way. I mean as in my unique special way, as in single pronoun I I I I I. I is also Roman numeral for one. I is I. Or I is one. I am unique because I am inarticulate.

Anonymous said...

I am unique because I am inarticulate too!!!!! We are both inarticulate. Which, sadly, makes neither of us unique.

However, a literary agent has contacted me, making my inarticulateness specialer than your inarticulateness.

Anonymous said...

Italian spiderman is pretty much the stupidest thing on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Italian spiderman is special in many important ways. So many adjectives, so much bullshit, so little dignity.

Anonymous said...

There are three Is in Italian Spiderman. There are 5 (read them: FIVE) Is in Italian Spiderman II. That trumps!