Friday, September 19, 2008

Also Useful
The second most useful thing on the internet

Dear Mr. Wrake,

If this is copyrighted or otherwise shouldn't have a screenshot here, please notify the Professor immediately via the comments to this post so I can take it down. I think it's an internet miracle and want to draw attention to it. The workshop's two or three readers will really enjoy it, I'm sure of it. Maybe they'll send you money or name their children "Run." I know I will.


Professor Marvel said...

Thanks, xbasket!

xbasket said...

Thanks for putting it here where I can find it. Buns and Chou-chou consider it poetic, incidentally.

Anonymous said...

I'll find you and vivisect you, xbasket.

Professor Marvel said...

I'm tempted to slice open the workshop's pets and look for idols.

Anonymous said...

This is the coolest thing on the internet.

Anonymous said...

They're the smartest bunnies that you ever have seen.

Anonymous said...

Cashew, I don't even know you!

Anonymous said...

I had to clean up themaggot-eaten kids.

King of Balls said...

I see a "cleaning up" theme developing here. This is potentially rich.

I am the King of Balls. Clean Balls.

I am the King of Clean Balls.

Anonymous said...

You are throwing off the scansion if you say "I am the King of Clean Balls."

Keep it simple.

King of Balls said...

OMG, what the hell is scansion?

Tell me now, I'm a budding writer!

Anonymous said...

Never say "budding writer". Always say "emerging writer". Never say "budding writer".

Anonymous said...

If you name your kids "Run" I recommend a parenthetical afterward indicating gender, e.g. "Run Jr. (female)" or "Run Jr. (male)"